Sue Wilson
Sue Wilson has lived on Lake Cherokee for the past 23 years. She has two sons, a fabulous daughter-in-love, and two grandchildren that come to visit often and especially on all holidays.
Before retiring, she worked in the educational field for 48 years and 35 of those were as an administrator, curriculum coordinator, Assistant Superintendent and as an Elementary Principal. She loved working with teachers and children. She served on the Board of Directors of Lake Cherokee for nine years, was on the TEPSA (Texas Elementary Principal/Supervisor Association) Executive Board for 5 years and was named TEPSAN of the Year 2 years. In addition, she is currently Secretary of the Longview of Fine Arts Museum, a member of the Lake Cherokee Preservation Club, and volunteer for various jobs at the Church at Lake Cherokee.
She plays with her many friends on the lake kayaking, cruising around lake, traveling and socializing. She also loves to travel with her family during all seasons. She loves the mountains, beaches, rivers, and international travel; however, she enjoys returning to beautiful Lake Cherokee to watch our sunrises and sunsets. Her beliefs are to give more than she receives, to stay positive by always looking for the good in people and circumstances, and to love her neighbors. She considers it an honor to give back to the Lake Cherokee community.