Your community. Your Foundation.

Lake Cherokee Community Foundation


Providing resources in response to the educational, environmental, and

human service needs of the Lake Cherokee community.

“Lake Cherokee in the Evening”

Image courtesy of Holly Treadway and the Lake Cherokee Photography Club

Our story

The idea for a charitable organization at Lake Cherokee began years ago in the minds of separate individuals. Could we have an entity that could rally volunteers to help residents in need: those getting older, those with physical challenges, or those in temporary financial crisis? And, if money was needed, couldn’t this organization find generous donors to support these projects? In late 2023, a group of like-minded residents met at the CWC and debated the need, teased out the pros and cons, and dreamt of the possibilities.

On May 22, 2024, the Lake Cherokee Community Foundation (LCCF) was born. The newly established Board of Directors were in agreement that LCCF would strive to be a transparent and trustworthy organization. The wheels rolled and through hard work and hours on the computer and phone, 501(c)(3) status was granted by the IRS.

The Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial is the first project but ideas for future projects, big and small, are in the works. If you have an idea for a project, big or small, that needs funding, talk to one of the Board Members to see if LCCF can help.

“Fishing at Lake Cherokee”

Image courtesy of Steven Johnston


. Image courtesy of Kenny Kirkland and the Lake Cherokee Photography Club


The Lake Cherokee Photography Club has generously granted permission to use its members’ work on our website. And, look for their work displayed at the Longview Museum of Fine Arts in the “Life at Lake Cherokee” exhibit, now through December, 2024. For more information on the Club, go to their Facebook page.