Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial

Wall of Honor

Engraved Veteran Name

The Wall of Honor at the Veterans Memorial will provide space for 126 Veterans’ names and their dates of service (or campaign).

The wall is 50 feet long, 4 feet tall, made of a concrete base with black granite veneer that sits in front of the Flagpole Display. There are 3 panels that face the water: The center panel will read “Duty Honor Country” in large bold letters. The right and left panels will house the names of Veterans submitted to LCVM. Each name will be approximately 4” tall and should be viewable from the water.

Engraved Veterans names cost $300 each and every Veteran must be verified so that there is no “stolen honor”!

To reserve a space for your Veteran(s):

1) Print out and complete this EVN form OR complete the electronic form below.

2) Include copies of verification documents (DD214, Military ID, or VA card). Contact us if you have questions about verification.

3) Send payment of $300 per EVN. Instructions are on the EVN form.

4) Once we have verified your Veteran and secured your payment, we will send you a PROOF to sign and send back to us.

5) We will contact you via email when your Veteran’s name has been engraved!

6) If you complete this electronic form (below) and supply a photo of your veteran (preferably in uniform, but not necessary), then we can add him/her to our Virtual Wall of Honor located on the LCVM website There is no charge for this submission.

Electronic Form: